Gals 2010

Gals 2010

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Kitale update 22nd Feb 2010

22nd February

Dear family, friends, and supporters of the Soul Edge Girls!

Since returning from Turkana, February has turned out to be a busy month! We jumped right back into life in and around Kitale and have really seen God at work, both within our team and in the places we are working. Session wise we’ve been looking at leadership, communication, public speaking, women in leadership and identity. Our outreach and ministry has been really varied! We’ve helped with clothes distribution and prayer at a small slum community, continued to lead Saturday Kids Club at the Fireplace, and helped out with building a large chicken hut, aka “Chickingham Palace” to support Oscar, one of the Youth Apart team. Ali and Tanya preached on “loving God first” at church last weekend, we’ve had many great worship nights, we helped out with a music workshop audition day, we’re still teaching at the Kipsongo slum school twice a week, and the girls have even found time to get their hair braided African style! This past week we spent a very long 14 hour day out in the village of Bidii where there’s an orphanage being built…from dawn to long past dusk we raked, poked, and compressed 50 tonnes of concrete for the floor. It was an exhausting day but a lot of fun and so great to be able to serve in such a practical way. Last night we were also able to meet the house parents and the children who’ll be moving into the Bidii home which was really exciting.

It’s not been all work and no play, however…. Last week we spent the day out at Mount Elgon, hiking and exploring the bat caves which was a lot of fun! We also celebrated Hannah’s birthday with some birthday challenges and chocolate cake.

The week ahead is pretty exciting…teaching sessions include Grace, The Father Heart of God, and Spiritual Warfare. The girls are currently down in Kitale on a prophetic prayer treasure hunt, and later in the week we may be helping out again with construction at the Bidii plot.

There’s a lot that’s been going on, but one thing that’s really both challenged and blessed us as a team has been the slum at Kipsongo, where we’ve been teaching the bible classes in the school there. The last few weeks, however, we’ve also been into the slum to pray in the community. For this update, just wanted to share with you a journal update from my (Amy Williams’) experiences in the slum last Friday…

We wound our way down a few more streets deep into the slum and found ourselves being invited into someone’s home. The lady inside was called Esther, a beautiful older woman. Her face was lined and wrinkled with years of life….her face told the stories…this was a woman who had lived. But her face also showed pain; struggles and worries as well as physical pain. And so we prayed for Dad to release her from physical pain, fill her home with his presence, to protect her family and direct her steps. She opened her hands to heaven and received deeply from the Lord. As we finished praying, she held my hand and then embraced me tightly. As I pulled back, I looked into her eyes. They were alive and shining. You got lost in them. They were deep and they were pure and they lit up her tired and wrinkled face. As I looked into her eyes, my heart almost skipped a beat and my spirit stirred. I saw Jesus. In the midst of such brokenness and pain, there was Jesus. Where else would he be?”

Prayer points….for continued spiritual growth, boldness, and confidence for the team as we step out in faith….for God to challenge us through the teaching sessions….for guidance as we begin to plan our upcoming time in Uganda…for good health for the team.

Thank you for continuing support.

The Soul Edge Girls 2010

Turkana update 2 SEG 2010

8th February

Dear family, friends, and supporters of the Soul Edge Girls!

So we are safely back from Turkana after an amazing time of challenge, stepping out, trusting the Lord, and seeing him show up big time! I asked the girls if they would write a brief update for you…and instead they wrote a rap (which has since been recorded at the studio behind the Fireplace, our church!) It sums up pretty well our outreach in Turkana….enjoy!

We went to Turkana and man, it was hot!

Kinda squishy but we learnt a lot.

There was no way of keeping clean,

We found cockroaches in the latrine.

Lekkere babe was the name of our car

We had to drive extremely far

A 12 hour journey on potholey roads

No suspension ‘cause of heavy load.

Five nationalities in our team,

Eleven mzungus, know what I mean?

We arrived late at night, slept under the stars

Felt like we were on planet mars

We drove through the desert the very next day

Saw camels and monkeys along the way

We reach the village to share JC’s love

And the good news that comes from above.

At first we sensed a cultural divide

But it was all good ‘cause JC did provide

We preached the word and prayed for the sick

Gave out flour, used our medical kit

Church on Sunday like in the UK,

But was a different experience that day,

We spoke at the front and sang a song

‘Blessed be your Name,’ they clapped along.

Went to the hospital and gave out prayer

Asked for lots of healing there.

Another village was next in line.

Same word, same prayer, but lentils this time.

Turkana really was an amazing experience.

Jesus deffo made an appearance

People were healed, people were saved

And many great relationships were made.

We were pushed outside our comfort zones

Nothing like we’re experienced at home.

We looked like we’d been dragged through a hedge.

But that’s how we roll on Soul Edge.

Turkana really was an amazing time of stepping out in the Lord, and I know we were all changed and brought closer to God’s heart through it. Back in Kitale, we are continuing with teaching sessions and discipleship, as well as continuing to serve here, including teaching and ministry at the Kipsongo slum. We’re also getting involved in more practical work, including the building of a children’s home at Bidii. Will update you on all this soon! Please continue to pray for us as we seek the Lord’s heart and serve here. Thanks for your support of our team.

With love,

The Soul Edge Girls 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

First week in Kitale, Kenya 16th January 2010

Dear family, friends, and supporters of the Soul Edge Girls!

Welcome to the first of our updates for the 2010 Soul Edge program, and hello from Kitale, Kenya!

We arrived safely in Kitale a week ago and have quickly settled into our home, ‘the Factory,’ complete with beautiful garden, Dutch housemates, a few dogs, the odd cow wandering down the street and a very irritating but endearing pair of chickens.

Our first week in Kenya has been a lot of fun as we have continued to get to know each other as a team, adjust to the hot weather, slot into our soul edge schedule, begin serving different projects, and experience all things African! Our days begin with a run (which everyone seems to be enjoying, despite the early wake up call!) and are then filled with teaching sessions, worship and prayer times, reading, journaling, and then practically serving in the community. Teaching sessions this week have included walking with the Lord, prayer, the Holy Spirit, solitude and submission, healing, and touching the untouchables.

The places we are going to be serving are beginning to develop…we have spent some time this week at the Esther Home, a project for teenage mums and their babies, facing difficult circumstances. We spent some time helping them with a beading project, making bracelets and necklaces, as well as doing manual labour harvesting crops and then clearing land on their allotment site. We have helped with a kids club at ‘The Fireplace,’ the church which we attend here. In addition we have visited the Kipsongo slum, which is just outside of Kitale. Around 2,000 people live there in heartbreaking conditions and circumstances…it’s a tough place, but one where we believe Jesus would have walked. Alcohol and drug dependency are high, and many of the children are alcohol dependant as a result of being fed ‘busa,’ a highly potent alcoholic beverage, in place of food which their families cannot afford. We will be supporting a ministry at a school in slum, run by a pastor who used to be drug dealer there himself before becoming a Christian. Their vision is to break the cycle of alcohol dependency for the children by offering an alternative way to spend their day and food for them to eat. We will help in teaching lessons at the school, feeding the children over lunchtime, and then simply playing with them.

This coming week we will be continuing with sessions and engaging more with the ministries we will be working alongside, including the Esther Home ,The Fireplace, and the slum school. Please pray…

· That the Lord would continue to guide us as we serve ministries in and around Kitale
· That we would continue to be growing stronger as a team
· That we could continue to be challenged and changed by God through worship, prayer, and teaching session as we seek after His heart.
· For physical protection, that the team would stay healthy and safe.

To get our Phone numbers and address please email us directly at the soul edge girls email address:

With love,
The Soul Edge Girls 2010

Friday, January 8, 2010


The 2010 girls arrived in Nairobi safe and well today.

(Meanwhile 12 boys have assembled in Canada to start the boys course).

The first few days 2010

Hello Friends and Family of the Soul Edge Girls 2010!

Just wanted to drop a quick note to say hi and that we're all safe and well in snowy Watford, and to send you our first team picture (complete with shorts, flipflops, and sunglasses in anticipation of our arrival in Kenya!!) From left to right, we have Amy M, Amy W (team leader) Hannah (team leader), Ali, Claire, and Tanya. We're looking forward to having Kiri with us as another leader when we reach Canada :)
We've had a great time so far getting to know each other and preparing for the next 5 months. Please pray for us as we prepare to travel to Kitale, Kenya over the next couple of days!


The Soul Edge Girls 2010